English for Academic Purposes

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Are you aiming to study a diploma or degree? Then EAP is for you. This course will prepare you for academic study at college or university, by covering a range of skills from research to giving presentations. Also, many of our Direct Entry Pathway Partners have either a minimum IELTS requirement or an EAP certificate from our college. Therefore, if your IELTS score is just below your institution’s requirement, then you can take our EAP course instead to get you through.
The EAP course is 10 weeks, split into two 5-week assessment cycles. That means you will have a set of tests, projects and assignments to do every 5 weeks, and these will all be assessed for you to achieve your certificate.
The EAP course is quite challenging, but in 10 weeks you can become familiar enough with academic style and requirements to enter into a diploma or degree course with confidence.
There is a maximum of 18 students for the EAP class, but in general, the class is about 8-12 students. This smaller class means you can get more personal attention from your teacher.
To start EAP1A, you need a minimum of 5.5 Academic IELTS (for EAP1B you also need 5.5 but with a score of 5.5 in each skill). If you do not have this score yet, we recommend you study in our General English or IELTS courses until you are able to enter EAP. The amount of time this will take depends on the student, and we will advise you when you arrive on how long we expect you should study.
You need to gain a pass for every test and assessment in each 5-week cycle to achieve your EAP certificate. You do get an opportunity to attempt some assessments again if you fail the first time. However, if you cannot pass all the units of a 5-week cycle, you will need to enrol and study that part again.
You need to check with the Academic Manager or Student Services. At the moment you must study EAP in the day class.
You can study in our IELTS Preparation course which will prepare you to sit the IELTS test. You will also be eligible for direct entry to our VET partners for a vocational course, as well as direct entry to our Higher Education partners for a degree course.
Your teachers are experienced and qualified with a proven record of teaching international students. Our IELTS teachers are thoroughly familiar with the IELTS test, its format and requirements, so you can take full advantage of their knowledge. We only have native-level English speaking teachers, so you can be sure you are learning correct grammar, pronunciation and usage.

English for Academic Purposes (Pre-EAP, EAP1 and EAP2) (Intermediate to Advanced) (10 to 30 weeks) course prepares you to study in Australian universities and other institutions of higher education. To succeed and enjoy your study in these institutions, you need effective communication skills. Kingsway EAP will help you do this by focusing on skills such as:

  • - giving presentations
  • - writing essays and reports
  • - participating in tutorial discussions                          
  • - listening for meaning and note-taking
  • - reading with purpose and taking exams


The EAP teachers are dedicated to helping you succeed and getting the results that you want. From EAP, you can enter Kingsway Institute pathway institutions.

Please feel free to use our online application form to start enrolment process. If you would have any additional questions please contact our marketing department at Level 1.

Enrol Now!

Entry requirements: EAP1A = Kingsway Upper Intermediate level of General English, IELTS 5.5 Academic or equivalent

Entry requirements: EAP1B = Kingsway Upper Intermediate level of General English, IELTS  5.5 Academic or equivalent, no skills less than 5.5

Entry requirements: EAP2 = the successfull completion of EAP1, IELTS 6.0 Academic or equivalent

Minimum 10 weeks; Maximum 30 weeks of EAP1 and/or EAP2 (Morning session only)

Level 1 EAP1
Level 2 EAP2

For EAP course starting dates contact Admission Office (02 92832388 or enrol@kway.nsw.edu.au

EAP,  Morning session 9.00am - 3.00pm, Monday to Thursday

EAP,  Morning session - sample of timetable

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9:00 - 11:00
Academic listening Participating in discussions Tutorial discussions Academic reading

Listening + note-taking Academic writing (paraphrasing)

Tutorial participation    Lecture listening 
11:00 - 11:15 BREAK TIME
11:15 - 12:45
Academic reading
(reading critically)
Academic writing
Academic reading
Computer research skills
Academic vocabulary + Academic writing genres
12:45-1:30 BREAK TIME
1:30 - 3:00
Presentation Skills
Lecture Skills
Assignment Writing Skills Individual Consultations +
Private Study


What is English for Academic Purposes?

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a course which prepares you for the challenges and difficulties you will face in an English-based degree or diploma course. It doesn’t only cover the English skills you need but also explains the different aspects of culture and learning style that you will need to know about in an Australian college or university. We teach you about such things as how to do research, how to express your ideas in a group discussion, and how to use critical thinking.

Of course, there is also a focus on the skills you will need with the English language to cope at college. In writing, we teach you how to plan and write an essay, and how to include references from your research. In reading, we look at how to quickly find the relevant information you need, as well as how to analyse a text in-depth. With listening, you will learn about how to follow what your lecturer is saying and how to take notes. And for speaking, you will practise working in a group tutorial and how to give a presentation to an audience. As you study these skills, we will also provide you with the grammar and vocabulary you need to deal with each of them, such as using signalling language to connect the parts of your essay or seminar. We also look at more general study skills, including how to avoid plagiarism or how to identify your own mistakes.

Overall, our EAP course provides you with the knowledge and abilities you need to get started in your Australian study life.

  • Writing: Writes well-structured essays (up to 1000 words) using researching and referencing skills in some different genres. Main ideas are well supported with relevant ideas and examples. Able to use a range of sentence structures with varying degrees of accuracy. Reasonable range of vocabulary, including academic vocabulary.
  • Speaking: Understands and responds appropriately in discussions and tutorials. Uses presentation skills to present longer presentations. Generally uses effective communication strategies. Able to generally use accurate grammatical structures and a good range of vocabulary most of the time. Demonstrates a reasonably good level of phonological control.
  • Reading: Identifies the main points, the writer’s opinions in academic and other texts (800-1000 words). Can summarise shorter texts. Can read for detail, opinion and main ideas.
  • Listening: Able to take notes from a lecture and use them to identify main points and line of argument. Understands most details and some main ideas from media broadcasts.
  • Writing: Writes well-structured essays (up to 1500 words) in different genres. These are developed coherently with relevant ideas. Extensive and varied academic vocabulary. Sentence structures are accurate. Can reference proficiently.
  • Speaking: Communicates fluently using a range of registers. Accurate grammatical structures with good vocabulary range. A reasonably high level of phonological control.
  • Reading: Summarises and evaluates extended texts (1500 words or more) from a wide range of sources, including academic texts. Can read for detail, opinion and implied meanings.
  • Listening: Able to take notes while listening to extended texts from a variety of sources, including academic lectures. Able to summarise and evaluate the texts critically.


  • Level 3, 84 - 86 Mary Street Surry Hills 2010 NSW Australia
  • Phone: 0061-02-9283-2388
  • Email: enquiry@kway.nsw.edu.au


Kingsway Institute is an exciting and innovative English learning centre located in the heart of the Sydney CBD in Australia. 
Global Education & Tourism Group Pty Ltd
Trading as Kingsway Institute
ABN 400 98 611 360
CRICOS Provider Code 03177F

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